Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Fastest Hunting Rifle

How many colors does the world? help

As simple as the question .. it is hard to answer!
While some see only shades of blue fish, people can 20 000 shades of each other differ. Birds, in contrast see the additional perception of UV light the world more colorful than humans.

Jörg Siebauer pixelio.de /

But basically it is not even shown. amazing in itself but the world is "only" black and white. Color is merely an invention of the human brain absorbs the light rays and converts them into signals. And depending on how much and how many suppositories you in the eye, has seen every species the world a little differently.

see Why then all colors? At night we see how our early days, but during the day, the world extends in all its colors. Had there not been enough for evolution to provide us with simple black and white vision equip?

How did the can, only be conjectured, but it is likely that the answer is to be found in our distant ancestors . Our ape ancestors made it possible to color vision, red fruit against the green background visible. Fruits have a higher nutritional value than leaves, so it was distinguished for its own survival advantage by using color space.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Where In Canada Can I Buy 5 Inch Bevel Mirror

Feud of Advent ... 've

My "crown"
The white candles wrapped with wax sheets I
and points are awarded with white paint.
The modeling material I have about 20 hours
let dry and then the two resulting
I was inspired because bissl
our last visit to the "factory of dreams".
basswood I had none on hand, as had
serve the masses.
Advent fever ...
They're for my mom and my two sisters

The bags are made of sandwich bags.

A little view from my kitchen window
I think it is beautiful, this beauty, to admire
The drivers do have their
problems with the snow, but I enjoy
him. Better than old
bad weather.
Thus the ring but a great Christmas.

So enjoy the weather!
Christmas werdenwir may be sitting in the garden in a bathing suit
and grill! :-)
(Let's hope it does not, of me
from it can stay that way!)
Greetings Susan

What Did The Wolf Mean To Native Americans

If the economy's ok, we're ok!

Photo: http://www.blogger.com/profile/02157295322997851073

Every morning I would wake with a stupid commercial on the radio. What has been drummed into me as a child, is also still fresh, pious, happy, free-proclaimed "Go the economy's ok, we're ok!"

Well, sure! As long as you hide that economic growth - not always but often - at the expense of the environment and people. If BP makes record sales, then it can be flat, not that it all goes well, because an oil spill polluted the sea and beach and many people cut off their livelihood. A company can reduce its uranium, produces beautiful balance sheets, because in the balance sheets does not appear that the natives be contaminated in such an area. A coffee company that is flourishing us rather than one that has to declare bankruptcy, no question. But when a team ARD-researched and shows pictures where you see little children who press with heavy bags, which they almost to the ground, work hard and never visit a school, makes this clear: If the social and environmental components element of fun, it's not just all good. Then it can indeed help companies still are so great - the damage we are all sooner or later have to bear. And this is usually an expensive business.

As long as you hide but the actual cost, one can these stupid slogans over and over again among the people, for decades already, and people's eating more and do more for growth, more, more.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Elderly Bestiality Vids

10,000. Visitors ....

I am so happens a lot, but that really
On Saturday (20.11.) We made a family
exit to the beautiful Erzgebirge,
to Annaberg. There, end
opened in October, the "factory of dreams"
, an exhibition of a private collection
wood art. When I was on the radio,
on "MDR-Figaro" of this museum
've heard, it was clear there
I have to go there. As my parents and my siblings
enthusiastic plus families, it also
were, we have therefore
all together on Saturday opened.
(after lunch picnic in the parking lot,
by candlelight and Christmas music :-))
When I wanted to pay at the checkout Kam .....
was the mayor of the city with
a bouquet of flowers, including two cameramen
up to me and congratulated me for
10,000. Visitor
the factory.
I was interviewed and filmed more bissl.
I did not know what happens to me, we were all
not stop laughing out again!
The bouquet I received also a really great
book on the exhibits.
It was a Saturday!
Since we have faaaaaar Suuuuuuper friends
and also go with open
eyes and ears through life
we have the short clip that ran on Mdr,
the same evening,
on CD get played.
has happened to as a watched and recorded
Thanks a million times yet you love her

Here I just tried to photograph the figures

in the vicinity.

Who lives in the area, I can set the
really, really wonderful exhibition to the heart
. Especially at Christmas time a beautiful
destination. As of Saturday opening also
the Christmas market in Annaberg!
for the Manufacture we really need
some time, it is very vielfälltig and amazement.

The two then I got me a souvenir, to
Exceptionally this day, taken -
Helga and Heinz!

needle, thread and fabric ---
after a long break I once sewed again.
really ready I'm not.
The pages must be quilted
and the wing is possibly still a pattern.
So perhaps .... :-)!

Then I wish you all a good
Have fun decorating, crafts, baking cookies

It greets Susan

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where Is Rick Jenerette?

Today I would like to present times, the podcast series "In a word" , each night on the radio in Bayern Bayern 3 and 1 is transmitted. For me, podcasts are always a nice thought-provoking, even if they are breathed a little religious. Maybe you like it so the one or the other three-minute review :)

friends - Sometimes it is with the soul like a trash can ...

wolves may not in! - Anxiety at bedtime

wonder - What are miracles?

name - Only smoke and mirrors?

Memorial Day - What makes a woman who lost her son in spite of all efforts in the war?

image sources:
trash: sven e7o pixelio.de /; child with Teddy: C. Falk pixelio.de /; cattle in the morning sun: Liza Litsch / pixelio.de; crowd: TheBigTouffe / flickr.com; grave Cross: Maria Lanz Aster pixelio.de /

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Juice From Concentrate Good For You

When people have a word?

Sometimes things happen in the world that sound quite absurd at first glance. Early 60s reported that U.S. police about a case that shook people deeply.

© Paul-Georg Meister / pixelio.de

In a narrow alley in New York a woman named Kitty Genovese victim of a murder case . The shocking thing: the murder did not happen in a remote place, but between residential blocks with more than 40 residents. The attack was not sudden, but lasted about 45 minutes. 38 inhabitants admitted later that they were rushed to the window, as they had heard cries for help the woman. And yet no one took the effort to help her, not even a single phone call reached the police.

weeks completed this murder case, New York newspaper. Most of the journalists agreed that living in a city the inhabitants dehumanized and that life leads to a lack of compassion. But what is the Helpfulness real reason that people had in the apartment building deaf ears to the cries for help?

© Thomas Max Müller / pixelio.de
fact, the helpfulness in small towns as opposed to large cities has been found to be higher . That is not to the people who live there, but in the immediate vicinity. Urban people are constantly inundated with stimuli and withdraw more.

This is not the only reason why the residents have not intervened. up For a person to help ensure a number of factors must be met . Social psychologists have developed a flow chart showing the five steps to provide assistance:

to the larger display, click on the image.

  1. The emergency must be noted

    can actually trivial things, such as the Haste with which you are, cause you to an emergency passes and did not notice him. Two researchers have set up an experiment set in motion by theology students have exposed an emergency situation. In a lecture students were asked to change the building in which to find the next lecture instead. One group of students were told they were too late and should hurry up, the other group was told they had no reason to hurry and they could take their time.
    On the way to the other building was a man coughing and groaning crouched together, both groups had in the past. What happened next? The students had time she stopped and helped (63%), but they were in a hurry, so did in fact are only 10%.

  2. The event must be interpreted as an emergency

    noted, even if people that someone is next to the entrance on the ground, so not everyone will want to help. But this must necessarily be a disaster? Situations can indeed be seen also ambiguous: Perhaps the man lying on the ground even one alcoholic who ausschläft his noise on the floor? From the lack of concern results in a state of pluralistic ignorance, because other viewers do not seem affected. take

  3. responsibility

    That sounds contradictory, but it is true: the more people notice the emergency, the less intervention. Social psychologists call this phenomenon of "diffusion of responsibility": the awareness, responsibility to pay for help, takes every audience from the more stronger, more viewers noticed the emergency. Why would you risk his life, even if other people are there who can help? Probably participated in the neighbors of Kitty Genovese that someone had already called the police. The dilemma here was that every single thought, that it is the responsibility of the other neighbors to call the police.

  4. Adequate assistance know

    Even when you have gone so far as to take responsibility, be a further requirement to be met. The helper has to decide what kind of help is appropriate. The man lying on the floor - which he has suffered? Did he have a heart attack? If he is overthrown? If you do not know how to help is to act can not, of course.

  5. decide whether assistance should be provided

    Finally, there has yet to overcome, even to interfere. Perhaps fear of helping to put his foot or the risk of being injured himself and is far too large.

    Only when all these conditions are met, will help ...

Inside Of Cheeks Sore

lynches with us! - Who good and who is evil, we decide!

Peter K. is a court ordered to pay a penalty - because to be found on his computer several pornographic images were on which a girl were shown, which would be, according to an expert under 70 percent of 18 may. It was not here to abuse victims, it was about photos that had been an approximately 17-year-old couple voluntarily online. The popular Austrian tabloid XY now accounts for Peter K. Man, child pornography is consumed, a differentiation of juvenile pornography and child pornography found * - as more and more often in recent months - not instead .** Here comes Peter K. from a smaller place , there is clear for everyone to who it is. A man who is brought in connection with child pornography is as good as done - personally and professionally.

In Search for "Bataillon d'Amour - A story of love and violence", my second novel, which centers on a young woman being forced into prostitution, I have dealt extensively with sexual violence - that is always one of the most gruesome topics with whom one can deal with. The victims stories are so shocking that it took several months to help me recover after the end of the novel like this - long time I've helped men just fun shows like Stromberg, Pastewka, Two and a and Loriot and Gerhard Polt inveigled to recover from Horror trip to come down again. Sexual violence is repugnant and must use all available means, which has a state that be fought. But this weird witch-hunt of people, for example, the Internet consume a clip on one of the porn actresses could be younger than 18 (it does not count the actual age, it is one of the apparent age), on people with pedophilia and rape, and the exploitation of human beings to do as little as tabloids have with quality journalism, but does anything in the fight against sexual violence, as long as the actors - I mean young people and not children! - Are not abused or forced into their actions. On the contrary, a useless waste of resources that are lacking elsewhere (namely the fight is against real child pornography and sexual exploitation), and it seems always to be taken a totally random selection.

the BILD newspaper mentioned not long ago almost every day the site Youporn, to see the very people - especially if they are of Asian origin - whose age can not be assigned without further ado, here too, could I am sure can not be excluded at certain percentages 17-year-old girl. Thousands are German daily on this page. Why choose such a film not even make IP addresses identified and then see if not a few opponents of nuclear power in some of these raids and order? The tabloid Papers make of it already have a child porn consumers, because we need to make is not to say that the activist can make future somewhere public anger. comes to the problem that it now searches for young people out there who have made a private sex film online - they should be protected, do the indignity of a search warrant to be pilloried as if they were felons.

Back to the tabloid, the Peter K. put in the pillory. The Journal of effrontery not to promote a few days ago a party of a (supposed) motorcycle club, mired in the swamp of human trafficking and forced prostitution, and even the Proceeds of the party to use for charitable purposes. This association, which is observed in Germany by the intelligence services, examined the nationwide ban for months and discussed, an association that gets more and have more intensive contacts with far-right scene, support from the tabloid *** what enjoy the rockers of course - because the more positive headlines in the media there are, the harder it will be for politicians to agree to a ban, the less they will take seriously the warnings of the police.

This band, at issue is involved in serious criminal offenses, including just in the area of prostitution and human trafficking, where women are abducted and held captive and forced into prostitution. Here is the sorrow, the shame here is, here are women, including minors, raped, beaten, life here will be destroyed. Peter K. may not have acted lawfully, and no, it's not good, if 17-year-old put her sexual adventures online, because this could prove to be a boomerang for the future of young people and their actions can not always predict. But in this case no one came - not one person in the world - to harm, while the biker club on the suffering of many people involved. Who is good and who is evil, determined, however, the tabloid and thus public opinion. And all these idiots join in the roar, you only read the numerous comments on the relevant web pages. Peter K. is a vicious, castrated him, hang him higher!, The others are cool motorcycle freaks, horny party maker, tough-Easy Rider, wow.

This mainstream morality is just sickening, is dirty and dishonest. I will write in future at least for this sheet no article more and give this sheet, no more interviews. As I travel I prefer purely a further follow-Stromberg and step on the Facebook "Castor gravels" group at. Current



* The terms in Germany and Austria are different, the age limit but the same (up to 14 years, 14-18 years)

** Youth Pornography is illegal in Germany since November 2008, already in Austria since 2004

*** and even from a public TV station

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wisconsin Reconstructed Dune Buggy

Oleg Kashin and terror against journalists in Russia

We talk a lot about human rights violations in China, we like to go to the streets if the U.S. want to play again war, we cry out when wrong is done in Palestine - All this may be good and important, but on our doorstep - in Russia - are journalists who work for human rights, environmental protection, or who are simply critical to face the rulers in the Kremlin, shot, beaten to death or beaten so badly that they end up in a coma and never will live a normal life. Oleg Kashin was the last in an infinite number of victims who prove that Russia is no democracy, there is a critical journalism is impossible there. Sad that a former German chancellor of the Social Democratic Party Mr Putin a "pure volume Democrats called, but what will you expect of a Socialist, to the funeral a U.S. president flies in Central America financially support terror groups that massacred civilians for months (for which the U.S. was by the UN with one vote against officially condemned to compensation payments). It stinks in Russia, the smell is huge, it is killed and beaten in the best Soviet times. There remains an almost even the crazy flickering hope that Medvedev is, although even with him do not know how deep inside he is mired in the violence. Europe should do well to look deeper into Russia. How about a demo for the journalists who are there already fallen victim to terror? How would it be if Mr Putin in Germany again the reception would get, he deserves? Even the rags pure democrat has blood on his hands.


http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/gesellschaft/0, 1518,728035,00. html

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Online Movie Mario Salieri

Man Down

Photo: Camila Torres

"The tough guys of German literature who would like the American crime novel to offer, take usually more awkward than fearless. Born in 1972 André fungus but grew up in Vorarlberg, in Munich live, it can bring about, to tell with many small F-words a great story (...). "

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 12 August 2010, Karl-Markus Gauss

Friday, November 5, 2010

Small Purple Spots On Skin On Thigh

TV-Portrait, Youtube

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Do Babies Suffer Through Sids

Why a trip to Mars is not as easy ...

long time, man yearns to Mars ...

Mars. The fourth planet in our solar system, half the size of the home planet of the earth, and Martians.

moment - Martians?
Okay, there is not really, but they were one of the impulses that the world has focused its attention on the stainless planet. Meanwhile, scientists know better on the surface of Mars than in the depths of the earth's oceans. After the Mars has been trashed for years now with probes, it is planned that there land in this century, the first astronauts on the planet.
But as easily as in science fiction movies, not a Mars expedition to be. Will humanity really risk a trip to our neighboring planet, they must still Rumschlag before with some problems:

Problem 1: roundtrip

Only when Earth and Mars are together in a certain position can losreisen the spacecraft. And this setting, there is just every 2 years.

That is, if the astronauts are on Mars time, they have to bear with him until the constellation is open again between Mars and Earth.

one includes round-trip, the first astronauts will have to plan well 2.5 years

Problem 2. Psychological problems

2.5 years long would an astronaut, the earth does not look so. While the astronauts the earth to the moon, always in view, had the Mars crew would soon lose their home planet from the eyes.

before them a small star, called Mars, and behind them a small star called Earth. Nothing but emptiness.

This idea and the fact that you can not fly back again so quickly, if at an emergency breaks out, could easily trigger a mental collapse .

Problem 3: The Mars Climate

While the thermometer may rise on Mars' equator, sometimes at a comfortable 20 ° C, at night it is but all the more uncomfortable with temperature differences of up to 50 ° C .

addition, the astronauts are exposed to sunlight without protection. Even a space suit can not do much there. An astronaut who comes back after 2 years on the earth, will have a lower up to 2-3 years life expectancy. Unless he has never met during his mission on Mars by an asteroid. Meteorites may follow much more freely to the ground than on Earth because Mars has a thin atmosphere.

We can only times emphasize the thoughts from his head , in the years to the first people to live on Mars. Until better solutions are found, we will probably not as quickly colonize Mars and we can call Martians! ;-)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kates Playground Mega Upload

Flu Day - The Longest Day

When high fever and pain in the bed and is not read, listen to music or leapfrog can remain choice but to count as a sheep or to throw the telly. After an almost-free sleep Night I turned on the thing and by 5 clock chosen for a day than my entertainer.

DMAX is - they claim - "TV for the greatest people in the world: men" ( www.dmax.de ), but when I see the muscle-bound men with bushy mustaches, the top in record time without any ancient jungle down trees and then rub their sweaty bodies with joy, I have the suspicion that the slogan could be meant by ambiguous. Not that I was against a gay channel would have ... not at all, but it's just not my thing and I prefer to zap more times. (Apart from this, the ancient trees larger and more wonderful works of art than all the man-made machines, which are shown on DMAX in a year.)

can I change to an Austrian private broadcasters, who could advise in a telephone quiz man's name. I like to watch me, it gives one the feeling of intellectual superiority. To call The fact that so many people are so stupid there for 65 cents / minute in the belief that they could guess a man's name, which brings them 65,000 euros, which makes a glad. Second letter A. "Quite easily," says the moderator. "Very, very easy!" Oh? Karl? "NO!" Kai? "ALSO WRONG! BUT GOOD PROPOSAL! "Bart?" GERMAN! THERE MUST BE AN Deusch NAME! "Camille?" SIMPLE "Hans?" EVEN EASIER! "Hm Easier than Hans.

" MALTE! "Says the announcer, after the time expires after 45 minutes, and countless callers have come in vain." They should have just tell me you would Malte and 65,000 € heard! "

Malte. If there is more than three Austrians in the world who are called the Maltese, call me in the future Pepe.

The morning program is poor, I zap and zap me then decide for comedy. "The three most three. Mirja Boes I like, just like that, I mean - as a woman - that's why I say because now no evil. It need not be. Some sketches are quite ok. In the second episode, however, apparently from a later season, Mirja is gone - you would set the series better afterwards.

I fall asleep and wake up when I is noon and time for politics. "Press Club" in the ARD, it goes to the U.S. to the upcoming congressional elections, at the embattled president, a moderator and four experts, the discussions were very interesting and entertaining, one is surprised and angry when even the show after just 45 minutes comes to an end. Even bigger, however, is the joy when I see the "Literary Club" on 3sat. At last, two critics declare that Jonathan Frantzen was a total bore. How long must I wait? Thank you, thank you, I now feel less lonely in the world.

run in the third programs in the afternoon German films from the 50s and 60s. I like this salvation-world movies, many of them are junk, but some are just beautiful, although I've always wondered how that works, especially in the early 50s. One minute you wanted to rid the world of gangsterism, women and children were sent to the gas, and only a few years later - haha! - How can the world but nice and colorful - trala! - All love each other, a little history of confusion, a little heartbreak, some cheesy ... like, yeah, how did this can only work? Total extinction of all memory? Tabula Rasa? How could these people laugh like that? So sing? They are dancing? According to the most monstrous crimes in human history, in which their fathers or even they themselves had been involved?

look after a football game I "superstars" on RTL, whose recipe for success is simple: Take any celebrity judges (one member must however be Dieter Bohlen, otherwise the whole thing would not work), evaluate the candidates who can demonstrate either something extraordinary or are absolutely ridiculous. The one to tears, because they are so good, or the history behind it, so tragic, is on the other, Germany can indulge in his glee and laugh at stupid, fat, ugly, clumsy. As one of the type is sympathetic, which occurs with his friend, but more likely only come alone, but he refuses, whereupon the three judges called it as morons. But the guy says, "I win with my buddy and lose to him." True friendship between men, yea, could be from one of my books. I like that. The juror Sylvie van der Vaart shows me the way, once again, that attractive women can be repulsive. I see Sylvie and Heidi (Klum), I wish once again almost the Lumberjacks back on the screen.

on "Saving Private Ryan" I'm trying for the fourth time in vain. Something about Tom Hanks I can not stand, yesterday I had the suspicion that it might be his German voice. I liked him in a movie with DiCaprio, and I saw the original version in English. Finally, a thriller that begins quite nice, but unspeakably crashes. "I Know Who Killed Me." Mea Culpa, I know. Who is a movie with Sun sees a silly title, is your fault.

Finally, it is a little after midnight, I'll take seven sleeping pills, not to even have to look at Al Bundy. I would not have survived.