Flu Day - The Longest Day When high fever and pain in the bed and is not read, listen to music or leapfrog can remain choice but to count as a sheep or to throw the telly. After an almost-free sleep Night I turned on the thing and by 5 clock chosen for a day than my entertainer.
DMAX is - they claim - "TV for the greatest people in the world: men" ( www.dmax.de ), but when I see the muscle-bound men with bushy mustaches, the top in record time without any ancient jungle down trees and then rub their sweaty bodies with joy, I have the suspicion that the slogan could be meant by ambiguous. Not that I was against a gay channel would have ... not at all, but it's just not my thing and I prefer to zap more times. (Apart from this, the ancient trees larger and more wonderful works of art than all the man-made machines, which are shown on DMAX in a year.)
can I change to an Austrian private broadcasters, who could advise in a telephone quiz man's name. I like to watch me, it gives one the feeling of intellectual superiority. To call The fact that so many people are so stupid there for 65 cents / minute in the belief that they could guess a man's name, which brings them 65,000 euros, which makes a glad. Second letter A. "Quite easily," says the moderator. "Very, very easy!" Oh? Karl? "NO!" Kai? "ALSO WRONG! BUT GOOD PROPOSAL! "Bart?" GERMAN! THERE MUST BE AN Deusch NAME! "Camille?" SIMPLE "Hans?" EVEN EASIER! "Hm Easier than Hans.
" MALTE! "Says the announcer, after the time expires after 45 minutes, and countless callers have come in vain." They should have just tell me you would Malte and 65,000 € heard! "
Malte. If there is more than three Austrians in the world who are called the Maltese, call me in the future Pepe.
The morning program is poor, I zap and zap me then decide for comedy. "The three most three. Mirja Boes I like, just like that, I mean - as a woman - that's why I say because now no evil. It need not be. Some sketches are quite ok. In the second episode, however, apparently from a later season, Mirja is gone - you would set the series better afterwards.
I fall asleep and wake up when I is noon and time for politics. "Press Club" in the ARD, it goes to the U.S. to the upcoming congressional elections, at the embattled president, a moderator and four experts, the discussions were very interesting and entertaining, one is surprised and angry when even the show after just 45 minutes comes to an end. Even bigger, however, is the joy when I see the "Literary Club" on 3sat. At last, two critics declare that Jonathan Frantzen was a total bore. How long must I wait? Thank you, thank you, I now feel less lonely in the world.
run in the third programs in the afternoon German films from the 50s and 60s. I like this salvation-world movies, many of them are junk, but some are just beautiful, although I've always wondered how that works, especially in the early 50s. One minute you wanted to rid the world of gangsterism, women and children were sent to the gas, and only a few years later - haha! - How can the world but nice and colorful - trala! - All love each other, a little history of confusion, a little heartbreak, some cheesy ... like, yeah, how did this can only work? Total extinction of all memory? Tabula Rasa? How could these people laugh like that? So sing? They are dancing? According to the most monstrous crimes in human history, in which their fathers or even they themselves had been involved?
look after a football game I "superstars" on RTL, whose recipe for success is simple: Take any celebrity judges (one member must however be Dieter Bohlen, otherwise the whole thing would not work), evaluate the candidates who can demonstrate either something extraordinary or are absolutely ridiculous. The one to tears, because they are so good, or the history behind it, so tragic, is on the other, Germany can indulge in his glee and laugh at stupid, fat, ugly, clumsy. As one of the type is sympathetic, which occurs with his friend, but more likely only come alone, but he refuses, whereupon the three judges called it as morons. But the guy says, "I win with my buddy and lose to him." True friendship between men, yea, could be from one of my books. I like that. The juror Sylvie van der Vaart shows me the way, once again, that attractive women can be repulsive. I see Sylvie and Heidi (Klum), I wish once again almost the Lumberjacks back on the screen.
on "Saving Private Ryan" I'm trying for the fourth time in vain. Something about Tom Hanks I can not stand, yesterday I had the suspicion that it might be his German voice. I liked him in a movie with DiCaprio, and I saw the original version in English. Finally, a thriller that begins quite nice, but unspeakably crashes. "I Know Who Killed Me." Mea Culpa, I know. Who is a movie with Sun sees a silly title, is your fault.
Finally, it is a little after midnight, I'll take seven sleeping pills, not to even have to look at Al Bundy. I would not have survived.