I do not trust any government, of children, young people and old people beaten up at demonstrations and water cannons against them going, as is done in Stuttgart last week. I do not trust any government to talk in the responsible politicians and police chiefs followed by a very reasonable approach, while a protester may lose his sight, many young people traumatic experiences need to process.
I do not trust any state, the 8-year-old twin sisters and their father, who has never bit guilty can come pick up by a heavily armed police special unit and in a cell block can, while their mother in hospital to her the next day in their home country to deport, as happened this week in Austria. I do not trust any government to speak in the political leaders after a constitutionally absolutely correct approach.
I do not trust any politicians who appeal to Christian values, one creeping Islamisation warn and pull at the same time these values in the dirt. They say that not a few Muslims would their faith, would the Sharia put on the democratic constitution - and no, I think that's not good when someone equal rights of men and women deny someone of different faith violated, etc., on the contrary, the hard- fought for freedom must be defended, BUT I do understand when people put their faith, their beliefs about the law. Because I'm doing well. My conscience will always be above the law. My conscience, which, believe what I get, I never submit to laws, even if those laws were made in a democratic state are. I would always break a law if I have a feeling that injustice is done, that human dignity and human rights are trampled underfoot. And if such statements are punishable by entry into force of a planned anti-terror law to be then I'll shout it even louder:
Traut this state does not. No longer trusts politicians. They are capable of anything.
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