♪ ♫ He gives the birds their homes
the bees fly in and out,
who comes to him, makes his journey not in vain,
the tree of life ... ♪ ♫
(Peter Maffay)
the bees fly in and out,
who comes to him, makes his journey not in vain,
the tree of life ... ♪ ♫
(Peter Maffay)
image of Anna Martha / pixelio.de
The tree is not alone. Of his kind, there are about 30 billion in Germany alone. About a third of the Federal Republic are covered with trees and forests, and together they form a large ecosystem withdraw from people and animals large benefits.
What would be the impact on the climate, if everyone would plant a tree in the world ? Would have an impact on the climate? Not only that, it would beautify the landscape certainly a lot, the much-discussed CO2 reduction would certainly do it well. A ha forest takes about 3.8t of carbon per year (equivalent to approximately 13.82 tons of CO2) and other filters kilo of dust and pollutants from the air.
Do it green! Together, save 1 million trees, is in the description of the action. For each blog participating in this promotion, a tree is planted. Since I love trees, and anyway much to much trees are felled and not replaced, my blog will now also take it.) Here you get way more information
Do you have favorite trees ? I love our birch in the garden. With the leaves, which reach the ground, provides them around the trunk a great room, where one is hidden from view and can withdraw. Just beautiful I think willows which, especially in old age, a majestic canopy
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