A power company without nuclear power, as the Vorarlberg Power Generation Ltd , is only something good, but there is applause. Not so beautiful is what the people of the VKW to protect the power lines from growing trees, as I was watching myself: First of a tractor chugs therefore, is at the door of Helga, and a man gets out. The man who is perhaps Helga, is there a little uncertain, since 80 percent of the trees that he finds the river are far from touching the power lines. Helga shrugs wrong, helpless in the trees umehr, but then pulls out the can and mark a few of them. Finally, such a working day filled with work, Helga can definitely do not like to say that Helga was lazy. Now puts the rest of the troops in a VW bus, a truck in tow, attached to its Fronsteite a garden shredder. Also, Chantal, Cindy, Jacqueline and Wilhelmine seem to be at a loss, they had expected most powerful trees, with branches, the lines almost kiss, but wrong thought this was cleared in previous years, there was no tomorrow. After a few phone calls we move on and the chain saws scream in competition. Each year the body was thinned more and more, in January 2011, it is now done at last, Where grew in living memory trees and shrubs, is now a trail on the shore. That may make a philistine heart happy, because little ghosts like to have clean banks, but here is what I have written for the Leiblach ever: the lack of trees and their roots leave the steep bank on the German side crumble more and more. And since the water year after year after storms rise and rise, it's just a matter of Time until once held a huge Uferrutschung - the waves of the water masses (! See photo), the thunder in the river bed towards Lake Constance, are hardly compare with those of the floods a 30 or 40 years. Then, of course it's too late to begin replanting, it can only help more large-scale barriers. The devouring public funds, but that we have enough. The VKW will also participate in it - namely, with a weary smile.
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